Nutty | Spicy | Cinnamon
Chris Pfeiffer, master winemaker and judge, once celebrated the finesse of flavours through a 17 year vertical tasting of his gracious Pinot Noirs. Now Wells has a penchant for Pinots himself, for through this master class was revealed delicate balances of time and tannins. Chris delivered a structural epiphany not lost on the Master Bean Blender from Jasper Coffee. Fine Wine. Fine Coffee. Clean Glass. White Cup.
In homage to the experience, we have served our composed caffeines in the winemakers best glassware…the reassurance of the Riedel. From the winey fruit berries and lime of Kenya and Thai coffees, the elegance is enhanced with Nicaraguan nougat and New Guinea delicate nutmeg spice flavours.
This is a coffee to sip and measure with friends and gardens… and a white cup will do.