
Latest coffee news from Jasper Coffee

Cool Off with Three Summer Coffee Recipes

Cool Off with Three Summer Coffee Recipes

Coffee isn't just for those chillier days, it can also be great way to get going during the hotter months. With summer just around the corner, we've put together some coffee drinking recommendations to keep you cool while getting caffeinated.
How to Brew - French Press / Plunger

How to Brew - French Press / Plunger

Brewing with a Plunger is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to brew at home. It is consistent, delicious, easy to clean up and hard to make a mistake!  

How to Brew - AeroPress

How to Brew - AeroPress

We love brewing in this humble, compact little contraption. The Aeropress is simple to use, easy to clean, and brews a straight up delicious coffee time and time again.

3 ways to use leftover coffee grounds

3 ways to use leftover coffee grounds

At Jasper we’re all about sustainability and finding ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve put together a list of three eco-friendly ways you can use your leftover coffee grounds to create a body scrub, help you in the garden and keep your space fresh.

Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in Colombia

Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in Colombia

Colombia Anei is grown by the Anei Coop, an indigenous led cooperative made up of families belonging to four native communities (Arhuacos, Koguis, Kankuamos and Wiwas) and farmers from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Serranía del Perijá. Guided by their spiritual connection to the land, the Coop has used Fairtrade coffee as a vehicle for change; uplifting communities, reclaiming traditional land and restoring cultural practices for generations to come. 

Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in Ethiopia

Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s Yirgacheffe is a textbook example of how coffee has transformed and uplifted communities from poverty. We spoke with cofounder Wells Trenfield about how Fairtrade partnerships have benefited Ethiopian producers, attracted global recognition, and even changed attitudes towards women within the community.
Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in Papua New Guinea

Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in Papua New Guinea

Niugini Okapa is one of the most popular coffees in our collection, and the oldest certified Fairtrade region in Papua New Guinea. Jasper Coffee has gone to great lengths just to savour the praline-like flavour of this single-origin, grown-organically by remote communities across the Eastern Highlands. We spoke with cofounder, Wells Trenfield, about how this Fairtrade partnership helped restore the relationship between remote tribes and their crops.
Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in East Timor

Origin Stories: Fairtrade Cooperatives in East Timor

As you sip your earthy cup of Maubisse, you might wonder where this wondrous coffee comes from, and how a single cup could have any impact on the people that grow it. We sat with Jasper Coffee cofounder Wells Trenfield to discuss how Fairtrade partnerships have supported communities throughout East Timor in their post-conflict recovery; restoring livelihoods, access to basic healthcare and even building remote birthing clinics.

How and why Jasper Coffee became Fairtrade licensed

How and why Jasper Coffee became Fairtrade licensed

You may be familiar with the smooth, rich flavours of our specialty coffee, but how familiar are you with Jasper Coffee’s Fairtrade history? Besides being the first licensed roaster to sell certified Fairtrade coffee in Australia, Jasper Coffee helped lead the fairtrade movement down under, paving the way for businesses to come.
Debunking the top myths related to Fairtrade.

Debunking the top myths related to Fairtrade.

As Fairtrade gains momentum in our society, so too do the rumours around this scheme. As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, we’ll be debunking some of the common myths surrounding Fairtrade for good.
What is Fairtrade and why does it matter?

What is Fairtrade and why does it matter?

Fairtrade. This term is often bandied about when it comes to raw ingredients like cocoa, flour, sugar – and coffee. While we all know it’s a good thing, how many of us actually understand what Fairtrade means?
Compostable capsules

Compostable capsules