How to Brew – Espresso

18 May, 2022 1 min read

Even though we love making our lattes and long blacks, there’s something rather thrilling when you perfect the at-home espresso. Remember though, you’re rewarded the more you keep at it. Practice makes perfecto.

Jasper’s recipe

20g of finely ground coffee
40g of finished wet coffee
30 seconds extraction


Before you brew

We recommend investing in a good grinder so you can grind on demand. The grinder, in fact, is sometimes more important than the coffee machine itself.

Step 1

Remove the group handle and wipe it with a dry cloth.

Step 2

Weigh in 20g of dry finely ground coffee into the portafilter. On your grinds, size matters – good to know is that finer particles will lengthen the extraction or brew time, and coarser particles will shorten it.

☕ Top Tip

Our popular espresso beans include Colombia Popayan, Ethiopia Hama and pretty much everything in our special release range.


Step 3

Distribute the coffee evenly in the basket. Then using a tamper, press down firmly to achieve an even bed of coffee grounds. So satisfying!


Step 4

Insert the portafilter into the grouphead, and place the scales underneath, taring the cup. Start the extraction, then stop it when you reach around 40g of extracted wet coffee, in around 30 seconds.

And there you have it, a perfect espresso.


☕ Top Tip

Extraction is not always easy. We’re happy to answer your questions and share more tips on the phone and in our stores.


Side note for the milk lovers

Read our guide to plant-based milks

mug filled with coffee on saucer